Their Kids Open Your Opportunities

Abdulaziz M Alhamdan, M.Sc.
1 min readJun 16, 2021
Biggest Interest in their Lives

There is an old adage in soft skills:

“Show interest in their interests.”

The typical image is a salesman talking about the prospect’s fish trophy. Trying to get “rapport.”

But what does it come down to, really?

What is the essence of being LIKED?

After decades of study, I can summarize it in one sentence:

Humans like those who help them survive.

Having Similarities & Commonalities? Those are tools for building a tribe = stronger together = survival.

Providing Useful Knowledge? Avoiding dangers and getting more resources = survival.

Being Kind & Friendly? Showing the willingness to be an Ally = Survival.

Warning Them of Dangers? Survival. Survival. Survival.


Today, I’ve met someone new.
They were with their kid.
And I’ve spent 90% of the time speaking to the child.
Out of kindness? Yes.

But the deeper principle:
Their child is their survival embodied and personified.
Their child is the essence of their name and DNA living beyond their limited years.

Result? They loved me BECAUSE their child loved me.
This is Meta-Survival.

How can this be useful to you?
Let me know below.



Abdulaziz M Alhamdan, M.Sc.

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